YWAM Sendai

Sendai City, Miyagi, Tohoku, Japan


With a population of over a million people, Sendai is the largest city in North-East Japan. We desire to see a community of people established in this city that will love God and make Him known to the 99% of the population that don’t yet know Him. Please pray for us, partner with us or even consider joining us!

As Tohoku is a large region that is mostly unreached by the gospel, we want to see a YWAM community pioneered in all of the six prefectures. Therefore, it is our heart to not only grow as a community in Sendai, but also to champion and release our members to spread God’s work through YWAM in surrounding areas from an early stage. Many smaller YWAM communities are more effective than just one large base!


  • Language(s): English, Japanese (transitioning)
  • Omega Zone & Region: Miyagi, Tohoku
  • Last Updated: 2022-10-13


